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GT Starter + Pack
- 3 Month Trading Desk
- 24hr Access to our office’s
- Dedicated trading PC with dual monitors
- Lifetime Access to GT Pro Trader Online training covering:
- Access to GT Trading resources
- A trading plan
- Weekly Trading Tips Newsletter
- 12 months FREE access to GT Trading Mastermind Forum (RRP £150) *Exclusive Offer for 2017*
- Responsive support via email, phone, Skype etc
- 1-2-1 Training (Over-the-shoulder support)
- Access to GT Trading resources
- LIFETIME ACCESS to only our exclusive GT Pro Trader online course inc bonus sessions
- Trading Tips Newsletter
Grow Together Trading wants to create wealth through building and funding teams of successful independent traders. If needed getting them professional education to trade the markets with company funds, investor funds or if they choose, their own funds. We do this by providing access to professional training from ourselves and an exclusively chosen 3rd party training providers which are offered at a corporate discount not found anywhere else. We save you thousands of pounds on individual training courses and trading strategies that do not work long term and offer you an effective and efficient path to financial freedom.
Why trade at home when we have created this unique professional space uniting independent novice & successful traders to share strategies, knowledge and trades? Being around professional traders will help increase your odds and consistency of making profits for yourself and the company, with an added bonus of support when needed from other traders.
Grow Together Trading will also fund people who choose to use their own proven successful strategy, so if you have a strategy that’s working we would like to hear from you.
If you are novice trader it is crucial to get the right education before trading with live funds. Ultimately if you don’t seek real training, you’ll be wasting your time, money and be no closer to financial independence.
Take the institutional approach to trading the financial markets and learn to trade assets such as Bonds, Forex, Stocks / Indices (FTSE, S&P500 etc), Commodities (Gold – Oil), CFD’s or simply put 40,000+ assets. Respect the market before you trade it or run the risk of losing all your money!
Get the right education or get funding from us. Click the About Us tab for more info about funding.